Covid 19

Covid-19 is affecting businesses across the country. JL Tree Services would like to reassure our customers that we are still operating a full service and we have put safety procedures in place to protect our staff and customers. The majority of our work is carried out alone and we only require one other staff member when it is a climbing job for safety and insurance purposes. If any of our staff feel unwell with Covid symptoms they will be asked to self-isolate for 14 days.

We have the following safety procedures in place:

Workers to maintain 2 metres distance, wherever possible.

  • Workers wear face coverings wherever possible.
  • Workers use their own ropes & harness.
  • Workers to bring their own handwashing facilities (eg.large bottles of water and soap) and antibacterial hand gel for more frequent handwashing.
  • Workers to provide their own drinking bottles and food/snacks.
  • Work clothing, tools and work vehicles are cleaned frequently with antibacterial spray.
  • Work gloves are changed and cleaned more frequently.
  • We will be following the government guidelines every day and if the advice given is to stop working then we will of course do so.

Please be reassured that we are operating a safe COVID environment and the safety of our customers are of upmost importance to us.